pp108 : Configuring the Document Generation Properties

Configuring the Document Generation Properties

This topic describes the procedure to configure the properties for the document generation.

Before you begin this task:
You must have the administrator rights on the computer on which Process Platform is installed.

To generate the document to serve your business needs, you must set the following Platform Properties in the Management Console.

  1. Update the following properties:
    1. bpm.designer.report.page.title: The value provided for this property is used as the title in the first page. The default value is set as Business Process Document.
    2. bpm.designer.report.author : This represents the owner of the document that is being generated. If no explicit name is provided, the user ID of the user who generates the document will be considered while generating the document.
    3. bpm.designer.report.page.header: The value provided here is displayed as the header on each page of the generated document except for the first page.
    4. bpm.designer.report.type: The output format of the document can be specified. You may provide the document output format as .doc or .pdf. By default, the report generation format is .pdf.
    5. bpm.designer.report.include.messagemap: Specify whether you want the message map details to be included in the report. The values are true or false. By default, false will be set.
  2. To generate the document with multi-lingual characters, the following settings must be completed:
    1. You must generate the metrics file for each font to be supported by the .pdf or .doc with the following command:
      java -cp %CORDYS_HOME%\ext\fop.jar;%CORDYS_HOME%\ext\avalon-framework-4.2.0.jar;%CORDYS_HOME%\ext\commons-logging-1.1.1.jar;%CORDYS_HOME%\ext\commons-io-1.3.1.jar;%CORDYS_HOME%\ext\xmlgraphics-commons-1.5.jar
            org.apache.fop.fonts.apps.TTFReader -ttcname "<Font Name>"
            <Path of TTC/TTF File> <Path of Metrics File>
            Path of TTC/TTF File: Path where the supported TTF/TTC file is present in the server
            Path of Metrics File: Path where the generated Metrics file needs to be stored
            Font Name           : Name of the Font
      Sample Code
       java -cp %CORDYS_HOME%\ext\fop.jar;%CORDYS_HOME%\ext\avalon-framework-4.2.0.jar;%CORDYS_HOME%\ext\commons-logging-1.1.1.jar;%CORDYS_HOME%\ext\commons-io-1.3.1.jar;%CORDYS_HOME%\ext\xmlgraphics-commons-1.5.jar
        org.apache.fop.fonts.apps.TTFReader -ttcname "MS Gothic"
        C:\Windows\Fonts\msgothic.ttc D:\FontMetricFiles\msgothic.xml 
    2. Provide the corresponding metrics file and font file details in the configuration file. Refer to http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/1.1/fonts.html for more details. Place this configuration file at a location in the <Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>. A sample configuration file is provided below:
      <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <fop version="1.0">
              <renderer mime="application/pdf">
                      <font kerning="yes" metrics-url="<Path of Metrics File>" embed-url="<Path of TTF/TTC file>">
                          <font-triplet  name="<Custom Font Name>" style="normal" weight="normal"/>
                      <font kerning="yes"  metrics-url="<Path of Metrics File>"  embed-url="<Path of TTF/TTC file>">
                          <font-triplet  name="<Custom Font Name>" style="normal" weight="normal"/>
      Sample Configuration File
      <fop version="1.0">
              <renderer mime="application/pdf">
                      <font embed-url="C:\Windows\fonts\msgothic.ttc"
                          kerning="yes" metrics-url="D:\Program Files\Cordys\defaultInst\custom\metricFiles\msgothic.xml">
                          <font-triplet name="MS Gothic" style="normal" weight="normal"/>
                      <font embed-url="C:\Windows\fonts\Vani.ttf"
                          kerning="yes" metrics-url="D:\Program Files\Cordys\defaultInst\custom\metricFiles\vani.xml">
                          <font-triplet name="Vani" style="normal" weight="normal"/>
    3. Set bpm.designer.report.use.custom.fonts: Specify whether you want to enable the custom fonts. The values are true or false.
    4. Set bpm.designer.report.fonts.config.file: Provide an absolute path of the configuration file. For example, D:\Program Files\Cordys\defaultInst\custon\config\fontconfiguration.xml.